Sep 16, 2024  
2021 Siena Heights University Catalog 
2021 Siena Heights University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Click here for further course code explanations and definitions; including The College of Professional Studies course delivery options.




  • TSD 442 Theatre History II: 20th. Century To The Present

    3 credit hours

    A survey of theatre history from the Twentieth Century to the Present. A major research paper will be required.

    Course is Offered: FA 2018
  • TSD 445 Musical Theatre Workshop IV

    3 credit hours

    A Continuation of Musical Theatre Workshop III. Focus is on advanced research and analysis of musical theatre forms culminating in a major paper and performance. Students will combine advanced integration of acting, music and dance skills with appropriate audition materials in preparation for professional work as a musical theatre performer.

    Prerequisite: TSD 345 Musical Theatre Workshop III  and TSD 105 Introduction to Performance  
    Course Fee: $25
    Course is Offered: WI Every Year
  • TSD 452 Musical Theatre Voice VII

    1 credit hours

    Course Fee: $150
  • TSD 453 Musical Theatre Voice VII

    2 credit hours

    Course Fee: $250
  • TSD 456 Acting Studio IV

    3 credit hours

    Advanced study of Acting Studio III. Students will continue character work and analysis, prepare monologues for auditions, and work in verse and prose.

    Course is Offered: FA Every Year
  • TSD 462 Musical Theatre Voice VIII

    1 credit hours

    Course Fee: $150
  • TSD 463 Musical Theatre Voice VIII

    2 credit hours

    Course Fee: $250
  • TSD 485 Special Topics

    1-3 credit hours

    Dependent upon topic. 

    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • TSD 495 Senior Project

    3 credit hours

    An independent project in which the student demonstrates competencies in an area of career potential. Departmental approval must be obtained during the student’s junior year, but is dependent upon scheduling and departmental needs. Students will not be allowed to enroll prior to obtaining department approval of the project.

    Prerequisite: Permission of program coordinator
    Course is Offered: FA and WI Every Year

Theological Studies

  • TSP 215 Introduction To Youth Ministry

    3 credit hours

    Through an exploration of the church’s vision of youth ministry students will focus on the ministries of evangelization, advocacy, and worship and prayer. An examination will be made of the ministries of community life, justice and service, leadership development, as well as pastoral care and catechesis. Emphasis will be given to theological reflection, pastoral application and the roles of the minister in comprehensive ministry to youth. This course may be substituted for TSP 355 Ministry, Management And Leadership .

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 301 Foundational Theology

    3 credit hours

    This course provides a contemporary overview of the foundational concepts and methodology in Theology. It examines such topics as faith, reason, and the human person, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Scripture, Church, Creation, and Redemption as major doctrines of the Catholic Church. Resources include parts of Dei Verbum, Veritas Splendor, and the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church and Catechism #26-184, 976-1065.

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 302 Introduction To The Bible: 1

    3 credit hours

    Through exploration of the English text of the Old Testament, students will discover the cultural context of ancient faith communities, and how the sacred texts emerging from them have been interpreted theologically in both Jewish and Christian traditions. The course utilizes various methods of textual interpretation, including historical critical methods, and considers various theological models of revelation.

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 303 Introduction To The Bible: 2

    3 credit hours

    Through exploration of the English text of the New Testament, students will discover the cultural context of early Christian communities and how the sacred writings emerging from them have been interpreted theologically. The course utilizes various methods of textual interpretation, including historical critical methods, and considers various theological models of revelation.

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 305 Theological Ethics

    3 credit hours

    This course will study the moral principles and norms of Catholic Tradition and will explore the relationship between Christian social ethics (especially bioethics, sexual ethics, and marriage and family) and Christian moral development, and how a believer manifests both as fundamental for participation in a faith community. This course will also examine the importance of the Magisterium and the centrality and formation of conscience. Resources include Catechism #1691-2557.

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 312 Church History

    3 credit hours

    This course will study the history of the Church from the Apostolic Age to the present. It will emphasize structure, expansion, worship, theological developments, important persons and movements. Included will be a brief introduction to the Fathers of the Church, the Eastern Churches, and the history of the Church in the United States.

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 313 Ecclesiology

    3 credit hours

    Students will study the origin, nature, and mission of the Church. The course includes a general historical survey, but the major focus is on select documents of the Second Vatican Council, especially Lumen Gentium, as well as the Catechism #748-975. Some attention will be given to ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue and Unitatis Redintegratio and the Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism (1993).

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 319 Christ And Trinity

    3 credit hours

    This course explores the mystery of the Trinity and the person and salvific mission of Christ. It examines the biblical witness concerning Jesus, the early ecumenical councils as they contribute to Christology and the explication of the doctrine of the Trinity. It also attends to contemporary issues affecting Christology. Resources include Catechism, #185-747.

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 320 Sacramental Theology

    3 credit hours

    The central focus of this course is the history and tradition of the seven sacraments with a special focus on the Eucharist. This includes an analysis of the theology, ritual content and form and matter of the sacraments as well as the pastoral and ecclesial aspects of their celebration. Resources include Sacrosanctum Concilium and Catechism #1113-1134, 1210-1666.

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 335 Theology Of Ministry

    3 credit hours

    This course examines the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ continued as mission and ministry of the Church, from which Christian ministry in all its forms flows. It will include scriptural and ecclesial sources as background for the development of contemporary post-conciliar forms of ministry, including offices in the Church, the role of the Bishop, collaboration of the clergy and laity, cultural pluralism, the missionary nature of the Church (Ad Gentes), and ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue. Resources include Christifideles Laici and Instruction in Certain Questions Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priests.

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 345 Liturgical Catechesis

    3 credit hours

    Through a pastoral study of the traditions of liturgical worship, including Sacrosanctum Concilium, students will apply their understanding of the rites of the Church. An extensive examination of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, principles and techniques for effective preparation and execution of liturgical celebrations will be featured. Resources include Catechism #1077-1122, 1135-1209, 1667-1690. Some aspects of Spirituality of Liturgical Celebration will also be examined.

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 355 Ministry, Management And Leadership

    3 credit hours

    Theological models of leadership and management will be studied in order to develop specific ministerial skills. Personalized field work experiences will be included. (Note: inquirers to the diaconate take TSP 450 Canon Law  in lieu of this course)

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 365 Catechetical Methodology

    3 credit hours

    This course will focus on the principles of catechetical theory and praxis as articulated in the General Directory for Catechesis and the National Directory for Catechesis. Emphasis will be placed on the catechetical process as it relates to specific ministries and an examination of the process of faith development; that is, helping Catholics’ faith become alive, as it integrates with the psychological, moral, and cognitive stages of human development as well as the stages of conversion in Christian development.

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • TSP 450 Canon Law

    3 credit hours

    Since the 1983 Code of Canon Law is the fruit of Vatican II, the course will focus on how the Canons are designed to implement the Council’s teachings in a way that facilitates the mission of the Church. Special emphasis will be placed on the rights and responsibilities of clerics and laity, the sacramental life of the Church, an understanding of Church structures, and a realization of the similarities and differences between Canon Law and civil law.

    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus

Master of Business Administration

  • MBA 602 Organizational Behavior

    3 credit hours

    This course applies principles of individual and group behavior to the management of complex organizations, which translates into effectively and ethically realizing strategic goals. Contemporary theories pertaining to goal setting, problem solving, decision making, leadership, motivation, team dynamics, conflict management, organizational communication and change will be examined and applied. Also explored are the traditions of Catholic social justice and dignity of the worker in the context of organizational behavior theories.

  • MBA 611 Business Research Methods

    3 credit hours

    This course prepares students to become both producers and consumers of trustworthy analyses. Students will learn how to frame research questions, and apply a systematic range of business research methods as aids to solve organizational problems. The limits and benefits of both quantitative and qualitative approaches on managerial decision-making will be explored, as will the role of ethics in designing and conducting research projects and the decisions that flow from them. Students will learn how to minimize bias, and apply ethical research procedures to protect human subjects, and maximize the quality of data upon which managers rely in making important strategic decisions.

  • MBA 641 Managerial Economics

    3 credit hours

    The application of economic concepts, theories, and tools to facilitate effective decision making, planning, and business analysis is the focus of managerial economics. Forecasting and demand analysis, profit maximization, and capital management are covered under the scope of the course.

  • MBA 643 Quantitative Methods

    3 credit hours

    This course focuses on the necessity for business leaders to make sound decisions. As business environments grow in complexity, the quality of the decision-making across the entire organization becomes paramount. An emphasis is placed on quantitative tools that will enable students to employ analytics to enhance the decisions made by their teams and the entire organizations.

  • MBA 649 Financial Statement Analysis

    3 credit hours

    This course will provide an intermediate knowledge of analysis of financial statements, equity analysis of various business organizations, risk management, cash flow analysis and forecasting.

  • MBA 650 Business Strategy And Planning

    3 credit hours

    This course is designed to develop competence in strategic planning, which encompasses analyzing external and internal environments to leverage the organization’s core competencies to better position itself for vision, mission, and goal accomplishment. Organizational complexity and market uncertainty challenge assumptions of rationality. Topics include strategic implications of disruptive innovation, transformation and renewal, and strategic resilience. Rational, intuitive, and ethical decision-making models will be applied toward developing well-rounded strategic planning proficiency.

  • MBA 651 Managing Global Business And Cultural Diversity

    3 credit hours

    The course integrates both personal and organizational perspectives in managing global business and embracing cultural diversity. The course highlights teamwork, communication, leadership, conflict resolution, social networking with all stakeholders in the organization and in the communities in which the organization conducts business. An emphasis is placed on the implementation of the Dominican values of being more competent, purposeful, and ethical when working with diverse populations.

  • MBA 655 Ethics In A Global Environment

    3 credit hours

    This course describes the complexities involved with ethical issues in the dynamic global business environment today. The focus is the development of analytical skills to formulate a moral and ethical decision making framework. An emphasis is placed on value-based decision-making that is used in all aspects of an organization. The course encapsulates the importance of business leaders being purposeful, competent and ethical.

  • MBA 657 Project Management

    3 credit hours

    The course examines and applies concepts, techniques, and methods to execute projects that meet the objectives of stakeholders. Key topics include ethics and professionalism, an overview of current project management, risk analysis, project selection through organizational strategy, and the leadership of projects. The primary output for the course is the formulation and design of a project.

  • MBA 664 Marketing Strategy

    3 credit hours

    This course familiarizes students with the principles of effective marketing management. An emphasis is placed on branding, target markets, market research, market segmentation, differentiation, positioning, life cycle, and the development of strategic marketing plans. An importance will be placed on marketing ethics, which respects the dignity of all.

  • MBA 670 Advanced Auditing

    3 credit hours

    This MBA specialization course will focus on auditing of financial statements from the lens of an auditor, accountant or another financial manager. This course will highlight how to detect accounting and financial errors and fraud as well as the importance of auditing to ensure fiscal responsibility.

  • MBA 671 Sustainable Business Management: Triple Bottom Line Strategy

    3 credit hours

    Sustainable business management embodies the Dominican vision as the practice focuses on increasing both social and shareholder value while decreasing negative environmental impact thereby resulting in enhancing and protecting resources for future generations. The courses focuses on a triple bottom line framework of three parts to evaluate organizational performance: social (people), the environment (planet), and financial (profit).

  • MBA 672 Advanced Financial Accounting

    3 credit hours

    This MBA specialization course will provide an overview of acquisitions, investments and consolidations that takes place in corporate, intercorporate, nonprofits, multinational and governmental entities. The focus will also address partnerships, liquidations and other financial accounting behaviors of corporations in financial hardship.

  • MBA 673 Advanced Managerial Cost Accounting

    3 credit hours

    This MBA specialization course will focus on the basis and steps accountants and financial managers utilize in reporting essential cost data. This course will explore how inventory accumulation and valuation is assessed and analyzed for external reporting. Emphasis is on how to cost materials, labor and overhead.  

  • MBA 674 Professional and Ethical Issues for Accountants

    3 credit hours

    Looking at past and present ethical dilemmas in business cases, this course will emphasize the duty accountants and financial managers hold in having high ethical morality. This course will explore conflicts of interest, accountability and legal ramifications for violations of integrity and liabilities for organizations.

  • MBA 680 Computer Networking

    3 credit hours

    This MBA specialization course will introduce students to computers showing how they are linked together and to other devices as part of their network. This course will also help students understand how computers and other devices understand each other to share information. Emphasis is on Local Area Networks (LAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN) and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN).

  • MBA 682 Cyber Ethics

    3 credit hours

    This MBA specialization course will focus on the study of ethics in computer behavior and its impact on society. Looking at ethics from a programmer’s perspective, this course will show examples of unethical computer programming and its harmful effects on stolen identity and intrusion on personal and organizational networks.

  • MBA 684 Cyber Defense

    3 credit hours

    This MBA specialization course will focus on the process of defending cyber-attacks of networks and data. The course will take a deep dive into understanding cyber threats and attacks in an effort to develop, manage and plan for them with defense mechanisms in firewalls. The course will also emphasize the importance of educating the public and organizations on how to be vigilant and on high alert of suspicious activity in email, social media, and wireless devices and on websites.

  • MBA 686 Cyber Threat and Risk Analysis

    3 credit hours

    This course will demonstrate best practices for assessing risk in organizational networks. It will focus on quantitative and qualitative approaches for analyzing Risk. Students will develop a timeline for risk assessment activities, and budgeting and planning resources needed to implement an effective cyber security plan.


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