Sep 27, 2024  
2022 Siena Heights University Catalog 
2022 Siena Heights University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Click here for further course code explanations and definitions; including The College of Professional Studies course delivery options.



Religious Studies

  • RST 321 Women And Religion

    3 credit hours

    In this course, students will examine both the impact that Christian faith has on women and the impact that women have on Christian faith. These influences are evident in texts that have been written for, about and against women, as well as in texts written by women themselves. They are also apparent in religious practices. We will critically analyze selected texts and practices.

    Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing, or permission
    Liberal Arts: Religious Studies
    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • RST 323 Eastern Religions

    3 credit hours

    Students will discover how religions shape the minds, hearts and actions of their followers. Eastern traditions of Hinduism will be explored with its dramatic art and yoga; Buddhism will focus on compassion and inner peace; Taoism and Confucianism will illustrate balance and harmony with the self and society.

    Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing, or permission
    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • RST 324 Western Religions

    3 credit hours

    Students are introduced to the fundamental religious principles as they are expressed in the lives of Christians, Jews, and Muslims. The course will focus on the differences and similarities of these three religions.

    Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing, or permission
    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • RST 326 Christian Spirituality

    3 credit hours

    The Christian tradition asserts that God invites us to a new life in the Spirit by which we become emptied of selfish concerns and increasingly turned lovingly toward God and neighbor. This course explores the Christian understanding of “spirituality” as described in the Bible, in the writings of mystics and spiritual masters, and as exemplified in lives of saints and of everyday people.

    Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing, or permission
    Liberal Arts: Religious Studies
    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • RST 330 Scripture And Society

    3 credit hours

    A course designed to allow students to apply methods of scriptural study to particular issues of current interest.

    Prerequisite: None
    Liberal Arts: Religious Studies
    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • RST 341A-H Exploring Biblical Literature

    3 credit hours

    Students will explore specific issues within biblical studies-such as the prophets, wisdom literature, the Gospels, Pauline letters, and biblical archeology. Special attention will be paid to socio-historical contexts of biblical works, their literary genre, and current methods of interpretation.

    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • RST 359 Catholic Literature

    3 credit hours

    This course will focus on issues of Catholic faith and culture as explored in works of literature. The course may include poetry, fiction, essays, and/or films from a diverse range of geographic locations and historical time periods. As a result of the course, students will recognize the Catholic imagination in various literary genres and traditions.

    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • RST 372 Methods In Teaching Religion

    3 credit hours

    This course will initiate students into the resources, methods, principles, and skills for teaching about religion in both private and public education. It will also introduce students to the rights and responsibilities of teachers regarding the establishment clause of the first amendment as it directly addresses religion and religious diversity.

    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • RST 395 Theological Application

    3 credit hours

    In this capstone course for students minoring in Religious Studies, students apply theological content and skills to the senior project of one’s declared major. Religious Studies enrollment is usually concurrent with senior project.

    Prerequisite: Permission
    Course is Offered: FA and WI Every Year
  • RST 410 Peacemaking

    3 credit hours

    This course approaches the challenges of making and building peace from multidisciplinary perspectives. The course explores and analyzes social, cultural, and religious justifications of violence and war, the “cycle of violence” and seeks peaceful means to disrupt that cycle. The course also explores proactive measures that build peaceful communities by addressing the conditions that promote violence. The life and writings of peacemakers will serve as the critical voices that challenge us to move from ideas of peace to becoming committed peacemakers.

    Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing, or permission
    Course is Offered: At one or more Siena Heights degree completion centers, but may not be available on the Adrian campus
  • RST 480 Faith In Action

    3 credit hours

    Individual or small communities of students custom design a contextual education course in which they learn the art of social action that is formed by a theological understanding. This course provides students with the opportunity to engage in the life and action of faith communities within their own cultural context, (e.g., Catholic Social Services in Adrian, Network in Washington D.C., Catholic Worker House in Chicago, Vess in Brownsville, Texas.) In addition to intensive reading preparation, the course focuses primarily on action and reflection (writing for critical social, theological analysis). This course must be contracted with a professor in Religious Studies and the Office of Cooperative Learning. Students must have at least Junior standing.

    Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing; course must be contracted with instructor and the Office of Cooperative Learning
    Course is Offered: FA and WI Every Year
  • RST 485 Special Topics

    1-3 credit hours

    Dependent upon topic. 

    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • RST 495 Senior Seminar

    3 credit hours

    In this summative project Religious Studies majors demonstrate competence in the areas identified by the Religious Studies program outcomes by a research project.

    Prerequisite: All RST required courses and permission
    Course is Offered: FA and WI Every Year

Special Education

  • GRS 598 Foundations Of Professional Writing And Research

    3 credit hours

    This online course will help students develop a well-structured, coherent academic writing style by reading, discussing, and producing authentic text materials on a variety of topics. Emphasis will be on the synthesis and integration of scholarly sources with original writing following standard rules of grammar.

  • GRS 600 Research and Professional Writing

    3 credit hours

    An introduction to the effective selection, analysis, and use of qualitative and quantitative research for professional purposes. Information and activities presented from the perspective of both the consumer and the producer of research. Requires demonstration of computer competencies and library/informational resource competencies, presentation skills, and the application of research to a real-life issue or situation.

  • GRS 694 Thesis/Project Seminar

    3 credit hours

    Definition and development of a thesis growing out of the personal and professional experiences in the individual’s graduate program. Requires a formal presentation of the completed research study to a pertinent audience. The seminar facilitates completion of thesis/research.

  • SED 101 American Sign Language I

    3 credit hours

    This first major introductory course in the American Sign Language (ASL) covers definition, history, legislation and culture of ASL. The alphabet numbers and signs will be presented through natural signed topics such as; exchange of personal information, talking about surroundings, family and other social topics. This course will focus on the following conceptual framework themes: 1. visual-gestural strategies, 2. receptive sign language in a conversational context, 3. expressive sign language in a conversational context, 4. fingerspelling, loan words and numbering systems, deaf culture and deaf history and 5 grammar of ASL. This course fulfills a world language requirement.

    Prerequisite: None
    Course is Offered: FA Every Year
  • SED 140 American Sign Language II

    3 credit hours

    This second major course in the American Sign Language (ASL) covers advanced history, legislation and detailed culture of the deaf culture. The alphabet numbers and signs will be presented through natural signed topics such as; exchange of personal information, talking about surroundings, family and other social topics. This course will focus on the following conceptual framework themes: 1) visual-gestural strategies, 2) receptive sign language in a conversational context, 3 )expressive sign language in a conversational context, 4) fingerspelling, loan words and numbering systems, deaf culture and deaf history and 5) grammar of ASL. This course fulfills a world language requirement.

    Course is Offered: WI Every Year
  • SED 312 Introduction to Special Education

    3 credit hours

    This first major introductory course in the field of special education covers definition, history and legislation of special education. The physical, emotional, social and cognitive characteristics of students with special needs are defined with an emphasis on educational interventions and assessment in grades K-12. In addition, the current research-based models, the continuum of services, agencies and other resources, and future of special education are discussed in detail. Required thirty hours in a K-12 school setting with students with disabilities.

    Prerequisite: Accepted as a candidate to Teacher Education Program
    Course is Offered: WI Every Year
  • SED 334 Strategies for Teaching Reading to Students W/ Learning Disabilities

    1 credit hours

    This is a course designed to help students acquire the necessary skills in reading instruction for teaching reading to students with Learning Disabilities. Three models for reading will be emphasized: developmental, remedial, specific problems. Activities will span the age range from early childhood to young adult. In addition the students will develop skills in adapting standard curricula and materials to meet individual needs. Ten hours of field experience in a k-12 setting is required.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program
    Course is Offered: Winter Every Other Year (begining 2022)
  • SED 341 Procedures in Special Education

    2 credit hours

    The purpose of this course is to present the underlying structure and procedures in special education. The procedures regulated by laws and standards are covered in detail. Students will rehearse leading and participating in program developing meetings (IEP, 504, IAT/SAT, transition). The skills needed to be an effective team member and transmit information and manage data in a professional, ethical and efficient manner are focal points of this course.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program, SED 312 Introduction to Special Education  or EDU 312 Exceptional Children and Youth in the Regular Classroom   
    Course is Offered: WI Every Year
  • SED 342 Parent-School Partnership: Special Education

    2 credit hours

    This course provides theories and strategies for effective parent and professional partnerships in the field of disabilities. The impact of a child on the family is a focus of this course. Interpersonal communication skills, legal issues, differences in cultures, values and family expectations will be discussed. Attention will be given to family systems, family functions, and family life cycles. Students develop skills managing both formal and informal meetings and conferences with parents of children with disabilities. Students will locate and assess the local services for parents of children with disabilities. Ten hours of field experience with parents or guardians of children with disabilities is required.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program, SED 312 Introduction to Special Education  or EDU 312 Exceptional Children and Youth in the Regular Classroom   
    Course is Offered: WI Every Other Year (begining WI 2024)
    Minimum Grade Requirement: 6
  • SED 343 Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Disabilities

    3 credit hours

    This course is designed to introduce students to the role assessment plays in the field of special education. The focus will be on selection, administration, and interpretation of instruments as they relate to program design and implementation. Included is a study of assessment instruments used by school psychologists and classroom teachers. The Michigan assessment programs are discussed and reviewed for the implications to special education. In addition, test construction and test adaptation for a diverse population are presented. Alternative assessments are discussed in detail. Ten hours of face-to-face administration of assessment instruments are required.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program, SED 312 Introduction to Special Education  or EDU 312 Exceptional Children and Youth in the Regular Classroom   
    Course is Offered: FA Every Year
  • SED 344 Early Childhood and Special Education

    3 credit hours

    Typical and atypical development of young children (ages 0-8) is examined. Family centered and developmentally appropriate early intervention strategies in home, school and specialized environments, as well as inclusion programs serving children with developmental delays and disabilities, will be addressed. Curriculum models which facilitate the cognitive/language, social, emotional, physical and self-help skills of children with disabilities in preschools and early elementary will be examined. Twenty hours of field experience in a special needs or inclusion program is required.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program, SED 312 Introduction to Special Education  or EDU 312 Exceptional Children and Youth in the Regular Classroom   or EDU 315 Exceptional Children & Youth in the Regular Classroom  
    Course is Offered: FA  Every Other Year (begining Fall 2024) 
  • SED 345 Collaboration in Special Education

    3 credit hours

    This course prepares the candidates with the skills of collaboration with professionals, parents, friends and students. A variety of models of collaborations will be examined for the usage and matching to the appropriate situation. Competencies in collaboration will be developed, implemented and evaluated. Taken concurrently with student teaching.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program, SED 312 Introduction to Special Education  or EDU 312 Exceptional Children and Youth in the Regular Classroom   
    Corequisite: SED 480 , SED 495  
    Course is Offered: FA and WI Every Year
  • SED 349 Culture and Diversity in Special Education

    1 credit hours

    This course is designed to provide an experience of working with students with disabilities in an urban setting. The students are introduced to the impact of an urban setting on disabilities. Issues such as culture, ethnicity, and socio-economics are considered in their influence on persons with disabilities and their families. Differences in the cultural definitions of various disabilities are studied. The quality and quantity of resources in an urban setting are examined and analyzed. Twenty (20) clock hours of field experience in an urban setting is required. Activities such as journal writing and interviewing school personnel are required.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program
    Course is Offered: FA Every Year
  • SED 351 Behavior Management

    2 credit hours

    This course is designed to provide the student with a foundation of the psychological impact of a disability on the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, social, and linguistic development. In addition the potential behavioral expressions will be examined. Students will learn techniques and strategies for managing behavior, pre-school through young adult. Emphasis is placed to the Positive Behavioral Supports. The students will also learn methods for teaching student self-management. Ten hours of field experience are required.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program
    Corequisite: EDU 351 Educational Psychology   
    Course is Offered: WI Every Year
  • SED 361 Introduction to Learning Disabilities

    3 credit hours

    This course provides theories and strategies in the area of learning disabilities with attention being given to the history and legal aspects of this field. A variety of researched based models are discussed in relation to the development of educational programs. The impact of a learning disability on the social and emotional development of a student is explored in detail. Aspects of receiving services to include the continuum of services are discussed as well as community services. Thirty clock hours in a setting with children with learning disabilities are required.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program, SED 312 Introduction to Special Education  or EDU 312 Exceptional Children and Youth in the Regular Classroom     
    Course is Offered: FA 2019, FA 2021
  • SED 362 Methods and Strategies for Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities

    4 credit hours

    During this course the student will examine research based learning programs and identify matches between students’ needs and program strengths. Modifications and accommodations to the basic skill areas in standard curricula in K-12 settings will be studied. In addition the student will develop skills to design, implement and evaluate remedial programs, adaptation techniques, and activities for students with learning disabilities. Assessment, both norm referenced and criterion referenced, will be explored. Discussed in this class will be the construction of age appropriate environments. Thirty clock hours of field experience in a setting with children with learning disabilities are required.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program and SED 361 Introduction to Learning Disabilities   
    Course is Offered: WI 2020
  • SED 381 Nature and Need of Individuals with Cognitive Impairment

    3 credit hours

    This course provides an introduction in the area of cognitive impairment with attention being given to the nature and needs aspects of this field. Research based models are discussed in relation to the development of educational programs. The impacts of a cognitive impairment on the social/emotional development and daily living skills of an individual are explored in detail. All aspects of receiving services are included in the continuum of services. There is a focus on community services as well as post school services. Required: 30 clock hours in a setting with individuals with cognitive impairments.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program and SED 312 Introduction to Special Education , or permission
    Course is Offered: FA 2018, FA 2020
  • SED 382 Methods and Strategies for Teaching Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment

    2 credit hours

    During this course, the teacher education student will examine research-based instructional learning programs appropriate for individuals with mild cognitive impairment, K-adult. In addition, teacher education students will design, implement and evaluate age appropriate individual and small group interventions for individuals with mild cognitive impairments based on best practices and research. These interventions will include but not be limited to, academic, daily living skills, prevocational skills, and personal care skills. Accommodations to standard curricula for individuals with mild cognitive impairments in K-12 settings will be studied and practiced. Communication of these to other professionals will be studied and practiced. Assessments (norm referenced, criterion referenced, and curriculum based) will be explored and implemented. Discussed in this class will be the construction of age-appropriate environments (school, work, living, recreation) that facilitate growth and learning. Teacher education students will explore all factors related to the IEP, RTI, ITP and 504 processes. Required: 20 clock hours in a setting with individuals with cognitive impairment.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program and SED 381 Nature and Need of Individuals with Cognitive Impairment   
    Course is Offered: WI 2019, WI 2021
  • SED 383 Methods and Strategies for Teaching Individuals with Moderate to Severe Cognitive Impairment

    2 credit hours

    During this course, the teacher education student will examine research-based instructional learning programs for individuals with moderate to severe cognitive impairment. Health and medical issues will be examined and the teacher education student will design and implement a study of age appropriate individual interventions for individuals with moderate to severe cognitive impairment based on best practices and research. Age-appropriate modifications to standard curricula for individuals with cognitive impairment in K-Adult settings will be studied and practiced. The teacher education student will communicate these to other professionals. In addition, the teacher education student will, based on research based models, develop skills at designing, implementing, evaluating programs and adaption techniques and activities for individuals with moderate to severe cognitive impairment. These programs will include but not be limited to academic, daily living skills, prevocational skills, and personal care skills. Assessments, (norm referenced, criterion referenced, and curriculum based) will be explored and implemented. Discussed in this class will be the construction of age-appropriate environments that facilitate growth and learning. Teacher education students will learn how the teacher as researcher functions in a classroom. Teacher education students will explore all factors related to the IEP, ITP and 504 processes. Required: 20 clock hours in a setting with individuals with cognitive impairment.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program and SED 381 Nature and Need of Individuals with Cognitive Impairment   
    Course is Offered: WI 2019
  • SED 384 Transition and Career Education for Individuals with Disabilities

    3 credit hours

    The purpose of this course is to provide the special education teacher education candidates the information and requirements that focus on transition and career development of individuals with disabilities. The focus is from high school to successful independent community work and living. The development of required career and transition plans and programs are stressed and a requirement of the course. The course includes employable skills, work skills, academic skills, and work experience in both the school and the community environments. The special education teacher candidate will learn how to create work environments. Teacher education candidates will also develop ideas to incorporate prevocational skills and independent living skills into daily lesson plans for all grade levels. 

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program, SED 312 Introduction to Special Education  and SED 381 Nature and Need of Individuals with Cognitive Impairment , or permission.
    Course is Offered: WI 2019, WI 2021
  • SED 385 Strategies for Fundamental Reading and Functional Reading

    2 credit hours

    During this course, the teacher education student will examine research based instruction in fundamental and functional reading. Functional and fundamental reading in all domains is covered and practiced. Age appropriate modifications will be implemented. The teacher education student will communicate these to other professionals. In addition, the teacher education student will, based on research models, develop skills at designing, implementing, evaluating programs and adaptation techniques and activities related to fundamental and functional reading for individuals with moderate to severe cognitive disabilities. These reading instructions will include but not be limited to academic, social daily living, and prevocational/vocational skills. Assessments, (norm referenced, criterion referenced, and curriculum based) will be explored and implemented. Discussed in this class will be the construction of age-appropriate environments that facilitate growth and learning in reading. Teacher education students will explore all factors related to the IEP, ITP and 504 processes related to reading. Required: 20 clock hours in a setting with individuals with cognitive impairment.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program and SED 381 Nature and Need of Individuals with Cognitive Impairment   
    Course is Offered: FA 2018, FA 2020
  • SED 421 Educational Technology and Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities

    1 credit hours

    This is a course designed to help students acquire the necessary skills to use educational technology and assistive technology in the classroom to facilitate the learning of students with disabilities. Students will be involved in developing, adapting, and modifying the standard curricula through educational technology and assistive technology. In addition, the students will develop skills in adapting software and hardware to meet individual needs, selecting appropriate material, and implementing the usage of assistive technology as indicated on IEP’s.

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program
    Course is Offered: FA Every Year
  • SED 480 Directed Teaching

    8-11 credit hours

    Supervised observation, participation and teaching in public and private K-12 schools in Lenawee County. This is a fifteen (15) week, full-time placement. One half (7-8 weeks) of the time will be spent in an elementary level class and one half (7-8 weeks) in a secondary level setting. University supervisors will observe and evaluate student teachers five (5) times during this session. There will be two (2) evaluations in each setting and one culminating evaluation. Evaluation criteria are based upon the Michigan Department of Education Entry-Level Standards for Teachers.

    Prerequisite: Completion of all Siena Teacher Education Program requirements
    Course is Offered: Course is required: FA and WI Every Year
    Grading Mode: Credit/No Credit grading only.
  • SED 495 Directed Teaching Seminar

    1 credit hours

    Group discussion and analysis of problems and challenges encountered during student teaching, speakers on relevant issues, and videotaped simulated employment interviews. Collaboration is discussed and practiced in the student teaching. Requirements include keeping a journal, updating credential file and portfolio, and participating in an oral comprehensive interview based on the teacher education program learning outcomes.

    Prerequisite: Permission
    Course is Offered: FA and WI Every Year
  • SED 521 Educational and Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities

    1 credit hours

    This is a course designed to help students acquire the necessary skills to use educational technology and assistive technology in the classroom to facilitate the learning of students with disabilities. Graduate students are involved in developing, adapting, and modifying the standard curricula through educational technology and assistive technology. In addition, the graduate students develop skills in adapting software and hardware to meet individual needs, selecting appropriate material, and implementing the usage of assistive technology as indicated on IEP’s.

  • SED 534 Strategies for Teaching Reading to Students with Learning Disabilities

    1 credit hours

    This is a course designed to help graduate students acquire the necessary skills in reading instruction for teaching reading to students with learning disabilities. Three models for reading are emphasized: developmental, remedial, and specific problems. Activities span the age range from early childhood to young adult. In addition, the graduate students develop skills in adapting standard curricula and materials to meet individual needs. Ten (10) hours of field experience in a K-12 setting is required.

  • SED 541 Procedures in Special Education

    2 credit hours

    The purpose of this course is to present the underlying structure and procedures in special education. The procedures regulated by laws and standards are covered in detail. Graduate students rehearse leading and participating in program development (IEP, 504, RTI/SAT, transition) meetings. The skills needed to be an effective team member, transmit information, and manage data in a professional, ethical, and efficient manner are focal points of this course.

  • SED 542 Parent – School Partnership: Special Education

    2 credit hours

    This course provides theories and strategies for effective parent and professional partnerships in the field of disabilities. The impact of a child with disabilities on the family is a focus of this course. Interpersonal communication skills, legal issues, differences in cultures, values, and family expectations are discussed. Attention is given to family systems, family functions, and family life cycles. Graduate students develop skills managing both formal and informal meetings and conferences with parents of children with disabilities. Graduate students locate and assess local services for parents of children with disabilities. Ten (10) hours of field experience with parents or guardians of children with disabilities are required.

  • SED 543 Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Disabilities

    3 credit hours

    This course is designed to introduce graduate students to the role assessment plays in the field of special education. The focus is on selection, administration, and interpretation of instruments as they relate to program design and implementation. Included is a study of assessment instruments used by school psychologists and special education teachers. The Michigan assessment programs are discussed and reviewed for the implications for special education. In addition, test construction and test adaptation for a diverse population are presented. Alternative assessments are discussed in detail. Ten (10) hours of face-to-face administration of assessment instruments are required.

  • SED 544 Early Childhood and Special Education

    3 credit hours

    Typical and atypical development of young children (ages 0-8) is examined. Family centered and developmentally appropriate early intervention strategies in home, school, and specialized environments, as well as inclusion programs serving children with developmental delays and disabilities, are addressed. Curriculum models that facilitate the cognitive/language, social, emotional, physical, and self-help skills of children with disabilities in preschools and early elementary school are examined. Twenty (20) hours of field experience in a special needs or inclusion program are required.

  • SED 549 Culture and Diversity in Special Education

    1 credit hours

    This course is designed to provide an experience of working with students with disabilities in an urban setting. The candidates are introduced to the impact of an urban setting on disabilities. Differences in the cultural definitions of various disabilities are studied. The quality and quantity of resources in an urban setting are examined and analyzed. Forty (40) clock hours of field experience in an urban setting are required. Activities such as journal writing and interviewing school personnel are required.

  • SED 551 Behavior Management in Special Education

    2 credit hours

    This course is designed to provide the graduate student with a foundation in the psychological impact of a disability on the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, social, and linguistic development of students. In addition, potential behavioral expressions are examined. Graduate students learn techniques and strategies for managing behavior, for pre-school through young adult students. Emphasis is placed on positive behavioral supports. The graduate students also learn methods for teaching students’ self-management. Ten (10) hours of field experience are required.

  • SED 561 Introduction to Learning Disabilities

    3 credit hours

    This course provides theories and strategies in the area of learning disabilities, with attention being given to the history and legal aspects of this field. A variety of research-based models are discussed in relation to the development of educational programs. The impact of a learning disability on the social and emotional development of a student is explored in detail. Aspects of receiving services, including the continuum of services, as well as community services, are discussed. Thirty (30) clock hours in a setting with children with learning disabilities are required.

  • SED 562 Methods & Strategies for Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities

    4 credit hours

    In this course, graduate students examine research-based learning programs and identify matches between student needs and program strengths. Modifications and accommodations to the basic skill areas in standard curricula in K-12 settings are studied. In addition, the graduate student develops skills at designing, implementing, and evaluating remedial programs, adaptation techniques, and activities for students with learning disabilities. Norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and curriculum-based assessments are explored. The construction of age-appropriate environments that facilitate growth and learning are discussed. The candidate explores various factors related to the IEP, RTI, and 504 processes, learns how the teacher as researcher functions in a classroom, and applies this knowledge during the field experience. Thirty (30) clock hours in a setting with children with learning disabilities are required.

  • SED 580 Directed Teaching (Special Education)

    4 credit hours

    Supervised observation, participation, and teaching in local public and private K-12 schools are experienced. This is an eight (8) week, full-time placement. Depending on the candidate’s prior certification and teaching experience, the field placements are divided between elementary, middle, and secondary settings. All candidates must complete directed teaching in two (2) different school-level settings. University supervisors observe and evaluate candidates at least three (3) times during this semester. There are two (2) evaluations in each setting and one (1) culminating evaluation. Evaluation criteria are based upon the Michigan Department of Education Professional Standards for Teachers and special education standards. Credit/No Credit grading only.

    Prerequisite: Completion of at least 20 credits of specialization courses; permission of program director
  • SED 581 Nature and Need of Individuals with Cognitive Impairment

    3 credit hours

    This course provides an introduction in the area of cognitive impairment with attention being given to the nature and needs aspects of this field. Research based models are discussed in relation to the development of educational programs. The impacts of a cognitive impairment on the social/emotional development and daily living skills of a student are explored in detail. All aspects of receiving services are included in the continuum of services. There is a focus on community services as well as post school services. Thirty (30) clock hours in a setting with children with cognitive impairments are required.

  • SED 582 Methods and Strategies for Teaching Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment

    2 credit hours

    During this course, the student will examine research-based instructional learning programs appropriate for students with mild cognitive impairment, K-adult. In addition, students will design, implement, and evaluate age-appropriate individual and small group interventions for students with mild cognitive impairments based on best practices and research. These interventions will include, but not be limited to, academic, daily living skills, prevocational skills, and personal care skills. Modifications to standard curricula for students with mild cognitive impairments in K-12 settings will be studied and practiced. Communication of these to other professionals will be studied and practiced. Assessments (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and curriculum-based) will be explored and implemented. Discussed in this class will be the construction of age-appropriate environments (school, work, living, recreation) that facilitate growth and learning. Students will explore all factors related to the IEP, RTI, ITP and 504 processes. Twenty (20) clock hours in a setting with children with mild cognitive impairment are required.

  • SED 583 Methods and Strategies for Teaching Individuals with Moderate to Severe Cognitive Impairment

    2 credit hours

    During this course, the candidate will examine research-based instructional learning programs for students with moderate and severe cognitive impairment. Health and medical issues will be examined and the candidate will design and implement a study of age appropriate individual interventions for students with moderate and severe cognitive impairment based on best practices and research. Age-appropriate modifications to standard curricula for students with cognitive impairments in K-12 settings will be studied and practiced. The candidate will communicate these to other professionals. In addition, the candidate will, based on research models, develop skills at designing, implementing, and evaluating programs and adaptation techniques and activities for students with moderate and severe cognitive disabilities. These programs will include, but not be limited to, academic, daily living skills, prevocational skills, and personal care skills. Assessments (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and curriculum-based) will be explored and implemented. Discussed in this class will be the construction of age-appropriate environments that facilitate growth and learning. Students will learn how the teacher as researcher functions in a classroom. Students will explore all factors related to the IEP, ITP and 504 processes. Thirty (30) clock hours in a setting with children with moderate and severe cognitive impairment are required.

  • SED 584 Transition and Career Education for Individuals with Disabilities

    3 credit hours

    The purpose of this course is to provide the pre-service teacher the information and requirements that focus on transition and career development of individuals with cognitive disabilities. The focus is from high school to successful independent community work. The development of required career and transition plans and programs are stressed and a requirement of the course. The programs include employable skills, work skills, and work experience in both the school environment and the community environment. The student will learn how to create work environments. Students will also develop ideas to incorporate prevocational skills and independent living skills into daily lesson plans for all grade levels.

  • SED 585 Strategies for Fundamental Reading and Functional Reading

    2 credit hours

    During this course, the candidate will examine research-based instruction in fundamental and functional reading. Functional and fundamental reading in all domains is covered and practiced. Age appropriate modifications will be implemented. The candidate will communicate these to other professionals. In addition, the candidate will, based on research models, develop skills at designing, implementing, evaluating programs and adaptation techniques and activities related to fundamental and functional reading for students with moderate and severe cognitive disabilities. These reading instructions will include, but not be limited to, academic, daily living skills, prevocational skills, and personal care skills. Assessments (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and curriculum-based) will be explored and implemented. Discussed in this class will be the construction of age-appropriate environments that facilitate growth and learning in reading. Students will explore all factors related to the IEP, ITP and 504 processes related to reading. Fifteen (15) clock hours in a setting with children with moderate and severe cognitive impairment are required.

  • SED 595 Directed Teaching Seminar (Special Education)

    1 credit hours

    Group discussion and analysis of problems and challenges encountered during directed teaching with a focus on comparison and contrast of teaching experience involving students with and without disabilities. Requirements include completing a case study, updating credential file and portfolio, and participating in an oral comprehensive interview based on the Graduate Teacher Education Program Learning Outcomes.

    Prerequisite: Completion of all other additional endorsement program requirements
  • SED 680 Directed Teaching (Special Education)

    4 credit hours

    Supervised observation, participation, and teaching in local public and private K-12 schools are experienced. This is an eight (8) week, full-time placement. Depending on the candidate’s prior certification and teaching experience, the field placements are divided between elementary, middle, and secondary settings. All candidates must complete directed teaching in two (2) different school-level settings. University supervisors observe and evaluate candidates at least three (3) times during this semester. There are two (2) evaluations in each setting and one (1) culminating evaluation. Evaluation criteria are based upon the Michigan Department of Education Professional Standards for Teachers and special education standards. Credit/No Credit grading only.

    Prerequisite: Completion of at least 20 credits of specialization courses; permission of program director
  • SED 695 Directed Teaching Seminar (Special Education)

    1 credit hours

    Group discussion and analysis of problems and challenges encountered during directed teaching with a focus on comparison and contrast of teaching experience involving students with and without disabilities. Requirements include completing a case study, updating credential file and portfolio, and participating in an oral comprehensive interview based on the Graduate Teacher Education Program Learning Outcomes.

    Prerequisite: Completion of all other additional endorsement program requirements
  • TED 522 Methods and Materials of Early Childhood Education

    3 credit hours

    Examines current theory regarding the education of young children (pre-kindergarten and kindergarten), with emphasis on the importance of early-enriched environment and critical periods for learning. Includes observation of children in a Montessori environment, as well as pre-schools and day care settings.

  • TED 530 Developmental Reading

    3 credit hours

    Students will gain an understanding of the reading process and how it differs across the content areas. Emphasis is placed on assessment, data analysis, and implementation of best practices in reading instruction in the intermediate grades. Attention will be given to designing lessons which meet the needs of learners with diverse reading abilities. Students will demonstrate knowledge of integrating technology with instruction. Twenty (20) clock hours of field experience tutoring a third, fourth, or fifth grade general education delayed reader is required.

  • TED 534 Strategies For Teaching Reading

    3 credit hours

    The purpose of this course is for students to gain an understanding of the reading process. Emphasis is placed on assessment, data analysis, and implementation of best practices in reading instruction in the primary grades. Lessons will be designed to meet the needs of all learners. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the components essential to a child’s learning to read as evidenced by research: oral language, phonemic awareness, word study (phonics and vocabulary), fluency, comprehension, and writing about reading. Ideas for ongoing communication and collaboration with parents will also be incorporated. Twenty (20) clock hours tutoring a Kindergarten, First, or Second Grade general education delayed reader is required.

  • TED 535 Strategies For Teaching Reading Through The Content Areas In the Secondary School

    3 credit hours

    This course deals with secondary content area reading instruction. Emphasis is placed on reading to learn with a goal of assisting secondary students in becoming more independent learners. Students will define the reading process and articulate a personal philosophy of reading to learn. There will be an emphasis on literacy across the curriculum as students create, modify, and adapt lessons to address the needs of various learning styles and explore assessment strategies for use in the content area classroom. Integration of technology will also be explored. Twenty (20) clock hours of field experience working with content area reading are required.

  • TED 551 Advanced Educational Psychology

    3 credit hours

    Study of theories of learning as they developed historically and their practical application to contemporary elementary, middle level, and high school classrooms. Includes consideration of motivation, individual differences, classroom management, assessment and evaluation, multicultural issues, developmentally appropriate curriculum, and exceptional students. Field experience required.

  • TED 571 Elementary Core Education Methods

    4 credit hours

    Analysis and application of basic teacher competencies: question-asking skills, assessing and evaluating creativity, human interaction skills, developing performance objectives, evaluation skills, sequencing instruction, and assessing cognitive development. Considers major subject areas taught in elementary school and middle level as well as multicultural issues, the needs of exceptional students, and the needs of special needs students.

  • TED 572 Secondary Education Methods

    3 credit hours

    Identification and illustration of effective teaching techniques at the secondary (middle and high school) level through microteaching on television, planning lessons and instructional units, and writing behavioral objectives. Also considers classroom management, motivation, evaluation, textbook analysis, multicultural issues, and the needs of exceptional and special needs students.

  • TED 599 Special Topics

    1-3 credit hours

    Workshops and seminars dealing with current topics.

  • TED 602 Research And Professional Writing In Education

    3 credit hours

    This course is an introduction to the effective selection, analysis, and use of practical research for professional purposes. The intent is to produce practical research that can be implemented in the P – 12 setting, relevant to the practitioner. This course requires demonstration of computer competencies and library/informational resource competencies, writing skills, APA, and the application of research. This course is in relation to the thesis/project. The goal of the course is to develop the review of literature as part of the final thesis/project.

  • TED 604 History And Philosophy of Ideas

    3 credit hours

    An introduction to the nature of ideas and their consequences for the quality of life; particular attention given to the analysis and synthesis of ideas in daily life. Students attend to theoretical considerations through several in-depth writing assignments and apply the course content by taking action on ideas that would change their professional and personal worlds.

  • TED 608 Fundamentals of Engineering Design I

    3 credit hours

    This course will introduce students to the ideas of engineering design in a team-based environment. Students will explore the significance of the design process along with its iterative nature, and terminology. The principles learned will be used to design and execute a project using real world specifications and constraints. The course culminates with students demonstrating their completed projects and preparing and presenting a poster of their work. Students will demonstrate mastery of inquiry-based teaching and Michigan Science Standards (MiSS) by completion of a 5E lesson plan that focuses on applying the engineering design process.

  • TED 609 Fundamentals of Engineering Design II

    3 credit hours

    This course will expand upon the ideas learned in TED 608 Fundamentals of Engineering Design I . Using robotics as a point of entrance, students will expand their knowledge of and skills with basic programming, basic electronics, and basic 3-D modeling techniques. Students will work in pairs to complete a robotics project. Each pair will complete a robot from a kit. The course will culminate in a final challenge. Additionally, students will prepare a professional development agenda/plan that they can use in their schools with their teaching colleagues.

  • TED 610 Foundations of Early Childhood Education

    3 credit hours

    Examination of historical trends in early childhood education and care with a focus on key theorists and their influence on current early childhood methodology. Readings highlight original works of theorists and their contributions to our understanding of how young children learn, grow, and develop. Considers a variety of approaches including developmental, constructivist, behavioral, and socio-cultural theories. Includes application of theories to current teaching and learning practices and development of a personal philosophy.

  • TED 612 Exploration of Special Needs of Exceptional Children and Youth

    3 credit hours

    Focus on the individual and unique cognitive, social, emotional, behavioral, and physical health, and sensory characteristics representing the diversity of students identified as “exceptional”. An examination of assessment, instruction, and placement options through the review of legislation and research. Also considers research, theory, and practice related to the development, the implementation, and the evaluation of multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary approaches supportive of the teaching and learning environment.

  • TED 617 Perspectives on Diversity

    3 credit hours

    An examination of the complexity of what constitutes “diversity” in today’s classrooms. While exploring specific aspects of diversity, focuses on using students’ and teachers’ diverse experiences and characteristics to expand and enhance the teaching-learning environment, including the climate, curriculum, and methodology necessary for global understanding and appreciation.

  • TED 620 Individualizing Early Math Curriculum

    1 credit hours

    Workshop format with a hands-on approach to learn the rationale behind the development and use of Montessori math materials from the concrete to the abstract. Presentation of concepts in a very concrete fashion with materials. Students are helped to design materials to support their math programs.

  • TED 621 Individualizing Language Curriculum in Early Childhood

    1 credit hours

    Workshop format with a hands-on approach to learn to develop, equip, and manage a logical, step-by-step language curriculum for the pre-primary child as well as the primary student that ensures the child’s success in reading, writing, and self-expression. Whole language as well as phonics explored.

  • TED 622 Individualizing Early Science and Cultural Studies Curriculum

    1 credit hours

    Workshop format with a hands-on approach to learn how to set up interesting activities to encourage children to explore concepts in science and cultural studies. Samples of workable curriculum in science and cultural studies are presented with an opportunity to explore many activities.

  • TED 623 Observation, Analysis, and Affective Learning Experience for Young Children

    3 credit hours

    This course focuses on the developmental abilities of young children from birth to eight (8) years of age. Skills are developed in observational techniques, recording developmental skills and abilities, and related analysis and interpretation. Based on these skills, students will explore a variety of ways to support self-concept development, create wholesome and integrated learning experiences, and apply theory and research in the classroom to assist young learners in the curious, positive, creative pursuit of lifelong learning.

  • TED 625 Administration and Supervision In the Early Childhood Setting

    3 credit hours

    A review of the basic principles of administration, organization, evaluation, and operation of early childhood programs. Examines supervision strategies, principles of management, and the importance of collaboration and professionalism. The course prepares students for organizing and operating a quality pre-primary program, school-age program, or childcare center. It offers theory on developing good interpersonal communication skills and relationships, parent/community involvement, program promotion and management, licensing regulations, child advocacy, accreditation, and finances. The course links the theory to ways that can be useful for the student in elementary education as well as the field of early childhood education and childcare. Independent center observations and interviews facilitate an understanding of various methods of environmental and programmatic consideration and policies. Attendance at one outside professional conference is required. Students are responsible for conference fees and class related transportation. Five (5) hours of field experience required.

  • TED 635 Advanced Diagnosis and Remediation Of Reading Difficulties

    3 credit hours

    This advanced course provides an in-depth study in the domains addressed in diagnostic assessment and the principles and practices of diagnosis and remediation of reading disabilities and differentiated instruction. In consultation and collaboration with a reading specialist, special education teacher, school psychologist, literacy coach, or related personnel who have the responsibility for providing literacy support, students examine and/or administer and compile a variety of formal and informal diagnostic tools used with individuals with reading difficulties. These must be suitable to their certification levels and endorsements and include the following: interest inventories, English language learning screening tools, visual and auditory discrimination tools, language expression and processing screening, phonemics, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, spelling, and writing assessment tools. Students analyze diagnostic profiles of struggling readers and examine various research-based reading intervention programs designed to match varied degrees of reading difficulty. Instructional intensity and programming are addressed. Students are required to complete 30 hours of field experiences in a classroom setting and in collaboration with parents. They are involved in implementing a reading intervention focused on instructional strategies that help students develop learning strategies.

  • TED 636 Imaginative Reading and Writing Through Trade Books and in Content Areas in the Elementary School

    3 credit hours

    Consideration is given to the language development of the child and adolescent and to expanding awareness of the multiple intelligences through reading across the curriculum. This course will also explore the curriculum in terms of incorporating a literature based curriculum, implementation, solutions, management, assessment, and evaluation using trade books.

  • TED 644 Integrated Language Arts and Reading Curriculum in the Middle Level

    3 credit hours

    Focuses on the transitional phase of middle level students from the development of skills and appreciation of reading and language arts at the primary/elementary levels to the reading required in content areas of the secondary classroom. Uses a holistic view of the language arts and reading curriculum to enhance the ability of middle level students to integrate the aspects of the curriculum specifically and the environment in general.

  • TED 651 Legal and Ethical Issues for Educators

    3 credit hours

    An overview of the legislation and regulations governing education, including those related to NCLB, IDEA, and special education services. Examines the ethical dilemmas associated with the implementation of legislation, the decision-making process and its consequences, and the making, implementation, and monitoring of policies at the district and building levels. Discusses the roles of the educational leaders, including school board members, in school governance.

  • TED 678 Reading Practicum

    3 credit hours

    A supervised experience in tutoring reading disabled students at the elementary, middle, or secondary level. Requires completion of a case study and/or action research project that may include administration of a variety of assessments, interpretations of the results, and development and implementation of appropriate programs.

  • TED 690 Reflective Teaching Practicum and Seminar

    3 credit hours

    Designed to enable and encourage currently practicing teachers to reflect, in an organized and insightful way, on the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of the teaching-learning environment. Requires completion of reflective and analytical projects such as professional development activity analysis and classroom observation and analysis.

    Prerequisite: Completion of a minimum of 15 credit hours in the Graduate Teacher Education Program

Sport Management

  • SMG 210 Introduction To Sport Management

    3 credit hours

    This course provides an introduction to the field of sport management. Topics include functions of sport management, behavioral dimensions of sport, global aspects of sport, professionalism, and an overview of career fields in the Sport Industry. Community based learning is a key component of this course.

    Prerequisite: Freshman and/or Sophomore Standing
    Course is Offered: FA Every Year
  • SMG 221 Sport Psychology

    3 credit hours

    An exploration of individual psychological factors and psychological principles as they relate to athletic performance, injuries, and rehabilitation. Topics to be included are motivation, group behavior, goal setting, psychological skills strategies, aggression, and stress and injury.

    Prerequisite: None
    Course is Offered: WI Every Year
  • SMG 222 Performance Psychology In Sport

    3 credit hours

    The application of sport psychology principles and theory to leadership positions in sport with particular emphasis on motivation, leadership effectiveness, team dynamics, and mental skills training for performance enhancement. This course will also include an exploration of the tools needed to help formulate one’s own sport leadership philosophy.

    Prerequisite: None
    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • SMG 280 Sport Management Practicum

    3 credit hours

    Students will participate in an actual field experience in the Sport Industry. The practicum is a part time field experience for a minimum of 150 hours. The experience involves the cooperation of a faculty supervisor and an on-site professional. Students must have sophomore status, completed specific Sport Management core courses, and obtain faculty permission prior to registering for the practicum. Students registering for a practicum experience must have a minimum major GPA of 2.50 in the major. The course should be completed prior to the winter of junior year.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore status, application approval, and permission of program chair.
    Course is Offered: FA, WI, and SU Every Year
  • SMG 285 Special Topics

    3 credit hours

    The study of selected topics of current interest and not ordinarily covered in depth in other courses. Special topics may be repeated for credit with the approval of the department/advisor. No more than three credits may apply to a major or minor.

    Prerequisite: Based on course topic
    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • SMG 342 Sport In American Society

    3 credit hours

    The course provides an examination of the role of sport in the reproduction and transformation of society. Topics include sport sociology, socialization, stratification, sport and the economy, politics and sport, sport and the media, and the relationship between sport and culture.

    Course is Offered: FA 2018, FA 2020
  • SMG 343 History of Sport

    3 credit hours

    A history of sport, beginning with ancient civilization to modern American Sport. Social influences and characteristics defining sport will be explored in the course.

    Course is Offered: FA 2019
  • SMG 350 Management Of Sport Organizations

    3 credit hours

    The student will be able to apply the managerial process to the sport industry. Topics will include the study of the managerial process in sport, organizational behavior, sport governance, strategic plans, managerial roles and social responsibility and ethics in the sport industry. This is a case based course.

    Course is Offered: FA Every Year
  • SMG 360 Sport Marketing

    3 credit hours

    The student will be able to apply the fundamental concepts of marketing to the sport industry. The course provides a detailed examination of marketing techniques in the sport consumer and sport product businesses. Topics will include the marketing plan, market research, marketing strategies, global perspectives, and the difference between sport product and sport service marketing.

    Course is Offered: WI Every Year
  • SMG 365 Sport Facility And Event Management

    3 credit hours

    The course focuses on the management of sport facilities and events. Students will learn elements of the event planning process including event conceptualization, marketing, logistics, game day operations, and crowd control. Management functions critical to the operations of sport facilities will also be reviewed in the course. A community based learning project is the key component of this course.

    Course is Offered: FA and WI Every Year
  • SMG 366 Sport Facility Design

    1 credit hours

    Students will learn how building design informs decisions in facility management. Topics include facility design specifications, needs assessment and feasibility, risk management, and facility trends.

    Course is Offered: FA Every Year
  • SMG 367 Applied Sport Facility Design

    1 credit hours

    Students will apply their knowledge of sport facility design by analyzing actual sport facilities. Students will tour professional, collegiate, and community sport facilities to examine design features, facility operations, and risk management.

    Course is Offered: FA and WI Every Year
  • SMG 370 Research Methods In Sport Management

    3 credit hours

    This course focuses on research methods in sport management. Topics include research design, research proposal, critical analysis of sport research, and the American Psychological Association writing style format. This is a writing intensive course.

    Course is Offered: WI Every Year
  • SMG 444 Sport And The Media

    3 credit hours

    An overview of the mass media industry, including print, electronic, and broadcast media as they interface with the sport industry.

    Course is Offered: Uncertain
  • SMG 445 Cultural Studies In Sport

    3 credit hours

    The study of culture within a sport context. The course will provide an opportunity to explore issues of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, religion, and other aspects of culture from a sport perspective

    Course is Offered: Uncertain

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