Sep 16, 2024  
2022 Siena Heights University Catalog 
2022 Siena Heights University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life

Mission of Student Life

The mission of Student Life is to foster students’ growth and development in mind, body, and spirit to become the leaders they are called to be and embrace their purpose.

Philosophy of Student Life

Derived from the Adrian Dominicans, the mission statement of Siena Heights University is the Student Life staff’s most common application to enhance our living and learning environments. It likewise provides the principles of professional and ethical standards. As leaders in the University community, Student Life staff emphasizes the interdependence of persons by promoting trust, openness, respect, and a compassionate response to the needs of others.

Student Life staff collaborate with faculty and students to create an effective partnership which enhances the function of a learning community. This collaboration is evident in a multitude of ways: the attention given to the academic accomplishments and graduation rate of student athletes; the spiritual resource provided by campus ministry to all members of the community; the provision of healthcare to address immediate medical concerns and promote healthier lifestyles; the programming aimed to integrate academic learning and social skills; the facilitation of counseling for the emotional adjustment of students; the ability to work through conflict in a productive and responsible manner; and the involvement in the traditional academic classroom. Special attention is given to provide students with the opportunity for skill development, and for varied experiences of both leadership and service. The dimensions of each individual are integral: intellectual, physical, spiritual, emotional, cultural and vocational. Through staff collaboration, students are challenged and supported as they grow in all these areas. These opportunities compliment the students’ preparation for professional careers and for being active citizens of a global society.

Campus Ministry

(University Center, 517-264-7198)
Chaplain: Father John Grace

Flowing from the mission of Siena Heights University, the programs offered by Campus Ministry are aimed at the development of the whole person, in the atmosphere of finding meaning and purpose, within a socially responsible, mutually respectful, serving community. Campus Ministry works in collaboration with other departments. Standing in our Catholic and Dominican traditions, Campus Ministry focuses on faith, service, and presence. St. Dominic Chapel is open for private prayer, for reflection and community celebrations. In addition, there is a weekly Sunday mass as well as retreat and spiritual growth opportunities during the year.

Counseling Center

(Ledwidge Hall, Room 197, 517-264-7193)

Counseling services are available to all Siena Heights University students. Counseling provides an opportunity for individuals to improve personal skills, learn to make better decisions, develop increased self-confidence, overcome blocks to personal effectiveness, and acquire a keener awareness and appreciation of their needs and the needs of others. Assessment and treatment are available through the Counseling Center. Treatment may include referral for medical evaluation or to other community resources. In addition, individual and group counseling is available.

Dean for Students

(Ledwidge Hall, Room 191, 517-264-7600)

The Dean for Students is an executive cabinet member responsible for promoting the specific goals of the University through staffing, planning, organizing, administering, and directing all functions within the Division of Student Life. These areas include Intercollegiate Athletics, Residence Life, Health Services, Campus Ministry, Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolution, Student Engagement, Counseling Center, Student Conduct, Diversity & Inclusion, and Dining Services. The Dean for Students is also the chair of the Care Team that assists students in times of crisis. Notification of designated University officials (comprised of faculty and staff) is offered to students when requested for extended absences lasting more than one day. Course responsibility stays with the student regardless of Dean’s notification and attendance/missed work will be calculated at the discretion of the faculty member. Emergency loans are sometimes granted by the Dean for Students, most often to purchase textbooks. The Dean for Students also serves as the link between University Administration and Student Government.

Diversity and Inclusion

(University Center, The Hub)

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion offers a number of opportunities and resources for students, including multicultural programming, student organizations, and student mentoring programs. The office aims to teach the value of working with someone that looks and thinks differently than you; to support, retain, and provide the best undergraduate experience possible to our underrepresented students; and to foster a deeper understanding of students’ sense of self and their interdependence as a multicultural society.

Health Clinic

(Ledwidge Hall, Room 180, 517-264-7190)

The SHU Student Health Clinic is a member of the American College Health Association and provides a variety of health care services. Our nurse can assess and offer treatment for general illnesses. The Health Clinic also works with students through education and the promotion of healthy life style choices and disease prevention. These services enrich students’ educational experiences and assist them in maintaining personal health and wellness. Other services available are understanding health care information, as well as referrals to local medical providers. Residential students are required to submit health history forms and immunization records prior to moving on campus. These medical records are confidential and information from them is released only at the student’s request.

McLaughlin University Center

New in August 2013, the McLaughlin University Center (UC) is a multi-purpose facility providing a central place for students, staff, and faculty to gather. The first floor of the UC houses the SHU Shop, Barnes & Noble Bookstore, dining center, living loom, and commuter lounge. The second floor contains the board room, community meeting room, student cardio room, multipurpose room, and The Hub. The Hub houses Campus Ministry, Diversity & Inclusion, Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolution, and Student Engagement as well as student run offices such as Student Government and the Student Programming Association and Residence Hall Coalition (SPARHC). The UC functions as the heart of campus and many of the opportunities for student involvement begin here.


Parking in the Siena Heights University Adrian campus is available to persons solely under the rules and regulation of the University Parking Policies. Students, faculty and staff members are expected to be familiar with and abide by University parking and traffic regulations. Students, faculty and staff members who park vehicles on the Adrian campus must properly display the appropriate approved parking permit. Parking lots are designated by permit type and a campus parking map is available at

Student Permits are available for purchase online with a credit or debit card at or by cash and check at the Welcome Center located in Ledwidge Hall.

Violators of the parking rules and regulations are subject to warnings, penalties and appropriate disciplinary and/or administrative action. Violations may be subject to fines, tows and related charges, wheel locks and/or loss of parking privileges. Siena Heights University assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection of any vehicle, or its contents at any time it is operated or parked on campus. Parking is on a first come basis, the University does not guarantee parking availability.

Parking on the streets within the City of Adrian is enforced by the City.

For questions about parking contact the Department of Public Safety at 517-263-0731 or

Residence Life

(Ledwidge, 1st floor, 517-264-7170)

The Office of Residence Life has a strong commitment to creating an environment in the residence halls that will assist students in their growth and development. Effort is made to create an environment that encourages academic excellence, social competence, independence, and an appreciation of community living. The Residence Life Staff will provide programming, guidance, and support to their residents. When these activities are combined with the active participation of the residents, the halls become more than just places to sleep; they become living and learning environments.

Full-time freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are required to live on campus unless they are approved to be exempt from living on campus. All housing exemptions must be approved by the Assistant Director of Residence Life in advance of each academic year.

Resident students live in Archangelus Hall, Ledwidge Hall, Campus Village, and St. Catherine Hall. The residence halls are staffed by Resident Assistants (RAs) and the apartments are staffed by Community Living Assistants (CLAs) who are supervised by the Director of Residence Life and a Residence Hall Director who resides on campus. The Saints Guide and Student Code of Conduct outline each resident’s responsibility to their living community and the University. A variety of room types are available. These rooms are secured through the housing selection process for returning students and on a space-available basis for freshmen students. Upon acceptance to the University and application to reside on campus, students must pay a housing deposit. Contact the Office of Residence Life for additional details on housing deposits and assignments.

Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolution

(University Center, The Hub, 517-264-7196)

The Center for Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolution provides services and resources for everyone in the Siena Heights University community to help them to resolve conflicts and address harms, needs, and obligations in ways that repair and strengthen relationships and the University community. Whether it is a conflict resolution or restorative justice issue, the goals are to provide participants with a safe, structured opportunity with a trained facilitator to improve the situation at hand. Referrals to the Center for resources and services come from Student Conduct, Counseling Center, Campus Ministry, Residence Life, University Athletics, Public Safety, administrators, faculty, staff, students, students’ organizations, and self-referrals.

Student Code of Conduct

Siena Heights University recognizes students as mature adults who are given freedom balanced with respect for self and others. The Student Code of Conduct (among other information in the Siena Heights’ resource guides) is put in place to outline the necessary behavior to be successful at Siena Heights in addition to academic success. Students who allegedly violate any policies within the Code of Conduct may be subject to student conduct action. Sanctions range from an educational conversation to expulsion. For questions about the Saints Guide and Student Code of Conduct, contact the Director of Student Conduct or the Dean for Students. The Student Code of Conduct is available electronically at this link:

Student Engagement

(University Center, The Hub, 517-264-7607)

The main objective of the Office of Student Engagement is to help students find their role on campus. This is accomplished by providing opportunities for entertainment & recreation, leadership opportunities, and service learning. The goal of Student Engagement is to complement academic excellence with valuable learning experiences outside of the classroom. The Office of Student Engagement has current information regarding all student activities and involvement opportunities, as well as policies and procedures that govern student clubs, organizations, and Greek Life. If an organization does not exist, which meets your needs or interests, the staff will provide information and encouragement to start a new organization.

University Athletics

(Fieldhouse, 517-264-7870; Spencer Athletic Building, 517-264-7825)

Siena Heights is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and the Wolverine Hoosier Athletic Conference (WHAC). Intercollegiate competition offered for men and women include basketball, baseball, bowling, cheer and dance, cross-country, football, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, indoor and outdoor track, and volleyball. During the 2000-2001 academic year, the University implemented the NAIA “Champions of Character” Initiative, which is designed to create an atmosphere of respect, integrity, responsibility, servant leadership, and sportsmanship in athletics.

Housed within Athletics, the Athletic Trainers (Fieldhouse Training Room: 517-264-7820, Spencer Training Room: 517-264-7877) addresses the physical and preventative aspects of an individual’s well-being. Students and employees seeking to develop and maintain healthy lifestyles may consult the Athletic Trainer center for assistance with exercise program prescriptions, nutrition counseling, and orthopedic injury assessment.

All Siena students are invited and encouraged to participate in intramural activities. In the past, competitions included dodgeball, volleyball, bowling, bass fishing, basketball, and flag football have been offered for students. Intramurals encourage students to be physically fit and to practice sportsmanship at all times.

University Wellness Team

The services offered by the University Wellness Team provide students, faculty, and staff members of Siena Heights University with education and opportunities for participation and involvement in programs that can lead to personal well-being. The team focuses on educating individuals to choose lifestyles that facilitate health and well-being. For more information on Wellness initiatives, please contact the Dean for Students or the Director of Health Services.