Feb 11, 2025  
2023 Siena Heights University Catalog 
2023 Siena Heights University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Numbering/Offered Code

Level of Course

100 - 199 Freshman
200 - 299 Sophomore
300 - 399 Junior
400 - 499 Senior
500 - 599 Graduate (open to seniors with permission of Dean of the Graduate College)
600 - 699 Graduate only

Special Categories

280/480 Off Campus Experiential Learning. This includes Cooperative Work Experience, Internship, Directed Teaching, etc.
285/385/485 Special Topics courses created by the instructor to be taught not more than 3 sessions or sub sessions. The only expection is the Nursing Department uses 486 for their upper-level special topics courses.
293/493 Independent Study students must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 at the time of registration to participate in an Independent Study.
295/495 Seminar

Course is Offered Code

(Adrian campus only)

This code is used to determine the session in which a particular course is offered (subject to change):

FA, WI, and SU Every Year = All sessions
FA, WI, or SU Every Year = Either Fall session, Winter session, or Summer session
FA and WI Every Year = Every Session except Summer session
FA Every Year = Every Fall Session only
WI Every Year = Every Winter Session only
SU Every Year = Every Summer
FA or WI = Either Fall Session or Winter Session
Uncertain = Unsure when offered

Instruction Type Code

“Online Learning Approved” courses  have been approved by the Online Learning Advisory Committee to be taught online. These course may be offered online or face-to-face. 

“Blended Learning Approved” courses have been approved by the Online Learning Advisory Committee to be taught using a both face-to-face and online teaching methods.

See  Available Courses on mySiena to learn how the course will be taught each semester.  Courses approved as Online or Blended Learning Approved do not have to be offered online or as a blended format during any given semester.

Credit Hours Explanation

Siena Heights University utilizes the principle of credit hours as a way of gauging the amount of time and effort required by a particular course. Credit hours are usually determined by the number of hours a course meets each week. Thus, a course which meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. until 9:50 a.m. throughout the session or sub session would be considered a three credit hour course. In a 15-week session, this would amount to 45 contact hours-hours actually spent in class. Students may expect to spend two hours studying outside of class for every hour in class. Therefore, a three credit hour course in any format usually requires a total of 135 hours of work inside and outside of class. Full-time students register for a minimum of 12 credit hours per session and a maximum of 18. Part-time students register for 3 to 11 credit hours per session. Students must earn 120 credit hours to graduate from Siena Heights University with a baccalaureate degree. This equals 15 credit hours for eight sessions or four years of full-time study.

There are classes that distribute the work inside and outside the classroom differently and require appropriate adjustments. For example, three-credit-hour art studio classes meet in the studio for six hours per week, and the faculty expects at least another three hours of work on the course material outside of class. Ultimately, course learning outcomes are established for each course which make practicable the expectations for time commitment on the part of each student. Program faculty and the program chair are responsible for monitoring the establishment and attainment of course outcomes.

Session Explanation

A session is a 15-week block of time for the Graduate College and College for Professional Studies, and a 15- week block of time for the College of Arts & Sciences, in which classes are scheduled. There are usually three sessions per calendar year; fall, winter, and summer.

Sub session Explanation

A sub session is a smaller block of time (usually 7 weeks) in which classes are scheduled. Sub sessions are scheduled within sessions and are usually referred to as Fall I, Fall II, etc.

Course Descriptions Explanation

The majority of courses at Siena Heights University are three credit hour offerings, but there are also one, two, four and variable hour courses.

Students will read and discuss a variety of essays. Students will write essays some of which will require summary and critique and the incorporation, synthesis, and documentation of multiple sources. Students will be expected to write a properly cited paper and demonstrate capacity for writing across the curriculum and critical thinking.
Prerequisite: “C” or better in ENG 101 or Placement
Liberal Arts: English Composition
Course is offered: FA and WI Every Year

ENG designates the English Department which offers the course numbered 102 (Freshman level) and entitled Reading and Writing II. The “3” indicates that the course is a three credit hour course. Prerequisite indicates whether or not a student must have had previous college level study to be properly prepared for this course. Whenever a  specific course is listed as a prerequisite and a student has not had that course, the instructor or advisor is authorized to give the student permission to register.

Independent Study

An independent study is a student initiated, designed, and executed experience which is supervised by a faculty member. This study uses the number of 293 or 493 and the department code under which the study content is being explored. The independent study form is a contract developed by the student and coordinating faculty member which states the goals of the study, process of the study, and the criteria for evaluation used in the study. The form is available at the Registrar’s Office, or can be found posted on the Registrar’s Office site on the Web. The form must be returned to the Registrar’s Office within the published add period for processing with the appropriate signatures. At the end of the study, the faculty member must submit the grade through the grade module and then submit a copy of the Independent Study form to the Academic Dean’s office.

Directed Study

A directed study is a course which is listed in the catalog and is taught during a session in which it is not listed in the schedule of classes, or by special arrangement at a time other than when it is listed in the schedule of classes. This will necessitate creating an additional section of the course with a maximum size of one. The directed study form is available at the Registrar’s Office, or can be found posted on the Registrar’s Office site on the Web. The form must be returned to the Registrar’s Office within the published add period for processing with the appropriate signatures. At the end of the study, the faculty member must submit the grade through the grade module and then submit a copy of the Directed Study form to the Academic Dean’s office.

College for Professional Studies Course Offerings

For information about course availability at a specific center, contact the center directly or visit the off-campus website at http://www.sienaheights.edu/Locations.aspx

There are three types of courses offered via the off-campus centers. They include traditional 15-week courses, accelerated 7-week hybrid (blended online) courses, and accelerated 7-week totally online courses.

The traditional 15-week on-campus course typically meets for 2.5 - 3 hours once a week. For more information, see the section titles “Credit Hours Explanation.”

The accelerated 7-week on-campus course typically meets for 3 hours each week with significant outside-ofclass activity and is intended for students who are completing their degree requirements. Outside-of-class time requirements (approximately 90 hours) include, but are not limited to:

  • Reading and support course material (such as textbooks, course packs, etc.).
  • Research and preparation of written assignments.
  • Preparation for course quizzes and examinations.
  • Preparation and participation in group projects.

The blended on-line course is conducted over a 7-week period and may be composed of two 3 ½ hour face-toface instruction sessions and six additional sessions conducted using a course management system via the Internet. The completely on-line course requires no face to face meetings, and is conducted over a 7-week period. In both of these cases, there is significant outside-of-class activity (approximately 115 hours) that can include, but is not limited to:

  • Pre-class assignment (in preparation for the start of the course).
  • Reviewing course online lectures.
  • Reading supporting material (textbooks, course packs).
  • Participating in both synchronous and asynchronous discussion sessions.
  • Reviewing course audio/video/graphics material.
  • Visiting relevant Internet web sites as directed.
  • Conducting Internet-based research.
  • Preparation and submission of written assignments.
  • Preparation and participation in online examinations and quizzes.
  • Preparation and participation in group/class projects.

*Note: BAM 479 Strategic Management, is offered in a 15-week format.